Written by Dr. Daniel Mayer | Assistant Superintendent in the Westborough Public Schools
Westborough Public Schools is Awarded a $220,000 School Technology Grant
In December 2014 the state announced that Westborough won a $220,000 school technology grant. While 99 districts applied to this new source of state funding, Westborough was 1 of only 14 districts to win a grant. This project will help the Westborough Public Schools to provide the 867 students at the Mill Pond School with the skills needed to thrive in today’s world. This will be done by transforming the school’s wireless network, launching a 1:1 iPad initiative in grade 6, and providing first rate professional development to help all of our teachers make this initiative a success. The state financing will transform 95 classrooms by providing them with a robust Wi-Fi system throughout the school that will allow students and teachers to connect wirelessly to the internet and to wirelessly project their screens to existing fixed-mount projectors. In addition, the district will spend their own funds to obtain iPads for each of our 310 sixth graders and a laptop for each of our 65 teachers. Finally, teachers and administrators will also receive high quality professional learning experiences to help ensure they have a clear idea of how to effectively use their devices and teach the skills students will benefit from most.