Fund a Project Application

Fund a Project – Requirements and Information

The Westborough Education Technology Fund (WETF) is a nonprofit organization of citizens committed to the support of innovative technology related programs, tools and initiatives within the Westborough Public Schools. WETF grants are intended to provide the initial funding for such projects, with the idea that successful programs might later be integrated into the regular school curriculum.

Who is this for and what is this for? The purpose of this application is for ‘smaller’ scale grants. Grants that are typically focused to one class, school, department, or grade level. We use a similar concept to “crowd-sourcing” with this grant. The concept is that you act as both the grant applicant and the grant’s “marketer” to help get the word out. You bring your project to the parents of the kids/school it affects at the discretion of your school’s principal. You give the link to your actual grant page (which we will happily create for you once your application is accepted and approved) to your potential donors. We, too, will work with you in helping to get the word out on our Facebook page and via our Twitter feed. Our goal is your success. The power of this model is it allows for projects of varying sizes to be submitted and online within a relatively short period of time compared to the traditional fund raising approaches of a standard charity. Success is not guaranteed, but we hope that if your project is worthy and your donors are excited enough, that you will get funds that allow you to follow your project to completion. NOTE: we also offer larger, more traditional model grants. Grants larger than $4000 are requested to go through that process instead and will not be considered if submitted using the application below.

Submission Deadline: Rolling Submission

Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must fit one of the following categories:

  • Faculty or administrator of the Westborough Public Schools.
  • Student at a Westborough Public School with a faculty advisor.
  • Westborough community member with a faculty or administrative sponsor.

Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated to determine those that best meet the following priorities:

  • The project is an innovative technology related educational program that has not yet been implemented in the Westborough Public Schools.
  • The project supports and enhances the technology goals of the Westborough Public Schools.
  • In order to be implemented, the project requires funding that lies beyond the normal school budget.

All applicants will be notified on the status of your proposal once they have been fully reviewed by the board of the WETF and the administration of WPS.

Please feel free to contact either Adam Halem at or Denis Roche, with any questions.

Please complete the application below:

    Project Title

    Project Title (required)


    Project Contact Information

    Please enter the contact information for your first two applicants (or less) that are requesting the donation and/or are the main contact person(s).


    Applicant Number 1

    Full name of applicant 1 (required)

    Position, or title of applicant 1 (required)

    Email for applicant 1 (required)

    Mailing Address for applicant 1 - Street, City, State, Zip (required)

    Telephone Number for applicant 1 (required)


    Applicant Number 2

    Full name of applicant 2

    Position, or title of applicant 2

    Email for applicant 2

    Mailing Address for applicant 2 - Street, City, State, Zip

    Telephone Number for applicant 2


    Full names of any other applicants separated by a comma


    What WPS School or Schools is it for?

    Westborough, MA public school(s) that grant applies to (required)


    Project timeframe

    Please provide a start date and end date for your project's lifespan. If you feel your project does not have a lifespan then no date is required. It is not required that you complete your project within a specific school year. We allow you the flexibility to think ahead as well as in the near future in order to help you obtain your projects goals.

    Select a proposed start date (MM/DD/YYYY)

    Select a proposed end date (MM/DD/YYYY)

    Please enter any other information pertaining to your project's lifespan.


    Project Descriptions

    Project description (long version). The detailed proposal summary should include purpose of the project and anticipated benefits; it may include links to relevant information on the internet as well. This is the description that is essential to WPS and WETF in deciding whether or not to accept your project and should be the longer of the two descriptions (see below for short description).(required)


    Project description (short version). This description's purpose is to be your suggested text for the actual web page that will be viewed by your potential donors. Keep it shorter but still descriptive enough to explain your project's goals and benefits. Remember you are trying to 'market' your project to your donors. You want to write something that entices them to want to support it. (NOTE: WETF and WPS reserve the right to adjust/edit all text before posting on the web site).(Required)


    Project Budget

    Project budget. Please itemize each expense and state its purpose. Include any personnel costs, equipment, supplies, other expenses, etc.(Required)


    Is There Anything Else You Want Us or Your Donors to Know?

    Other information. Please write out any other specific information you feel we should know about your requested project. You may enter any key points, etc.


    Relevant Materials

    Please attach any file relevant to your project (max upload of 2 megabytes total for all files submitted, acceptable file types are jpg, jpeg,txt, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xlx, xlsx)


    Accept the Terms of this Application

    I hereby acknowledge that I have read and accept all of the steps and requirements of this application for the ‘Fund a Project’ campaigns and that I am in compliance with said application. Also I acknowledge that I have the express approval of either my schools principal, authorized WPS administrator, or other WETF authorized officer and that it is acceptable with said authorized individual to submit this application. I also understand and am prepared to help with my ‘Fund a Project’ campaign if it should be accepted. I understand that those that promote the campaign to their closest audience/donors actively are the most likely to have the greatest success. I understand that though WPS and WETF will take all applications into consideration that there is a chance that my application may not be accepted in its currently submitted state.(Required)



    Please enter what you see below to prove you are a real human and not an evil spambot.(Required)
